MarcoCivil: Visualizing the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in Brazil


Abstract: In this paper, we map the controversy surrounding the Marco Civil da Internet (Civil Framework for the Internet) in Brazil. Drawing on a Twitter dataset spanning from August 2012 to December 2013, this study uses a series of methods of data mining, processing, and information visualization to produce a historiography of collective actions related to the Marco Civil. The MarcoCivil platform at the “Digital Culture” website creaed initiatives to spread the discussions online: a Twitter profile @MarcoCivil (run by the administrators of the platform) and the MarcoCivil hashtag. To conduct the Marco Civil cartography we chose to work with the messages indexed to the MarcoCivil hashtag circulating on Twitter. In 2012 and 2013 Twitter became the online space in which cyber activists were most vocal. From October 2012 to January 2013 , we collected about 21.997 tweets related to Marco Civil, it was then that we noticed the presence of a controversy and a diversity of points of view in dispute. News reports in Brazilian newspapers during the discussion, little took into consideration the issues engendered in the struggle for approval of the law. By demonstrating with graphs the dispute between the different actors involved in this battle, we seek to contribute to the history of the approval of the Marco Civil. From telecommunications companies to politicians, our report show how history was made in the field of the internet human rights.